“The Day We Intertwined”
In such an alien space, we evolve within intertwined realities.
A space where isolation brings unity, publicness triggers deep intimacy;
where organisms coalesce with machines, and diverse bodies are appreciated without avatars.
In such an alien space, we present our fragility for greater strength.
VISIT HERE“The Day We Intertwined” features the New Art City worlds of artists Sammie Veeler(”Gyre”), Zhao Tian-lin(”Transcendence Plan”), and Henrique Fagundes(”Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace”).
Co-curated and designed a physical and virtual exhibition with artist
UGLYKIKI for the 2022 FLAME-TAIPEI Video Art Fair. This year’s fair took place in
Hotel Cozzi in Taipei, Taiwan, featuring digital media artworks from multiple new media organizations throughout Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, and more.