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Kat Sung is a 3D designer, animator and artist based in Los Angeles. Driven by her delight for the fantastical, she looks to imagine new worlds and create enchanting and embellished artifacts.

Updated: 8/12/24





  • 3D ART


  • Zbrush
  • Blender
  • Substance Painter
  • Photoshop
  • After Effects

GriselLuar: Steed of Grey Moonlight and The Sword of the Goblin Prince make an appearance in “Reverse Tar Pit” a hybrid exhibition for The Wrong Biennale curated by Mark Ramos, don.xyz, and Sammie Veeler with an in person reception at Onassis ONX Studio and a closing reception at Brooklyn Art Cluster.

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A seed of ancient magic touches the burial guards of Goblin Prince Dulanø Pintelli, unearthing his accursed sword and steed from their marshy grave. The rotten form of a once majestic creature adorned with long silken fur and marbled antlers now bloats an engorged cyst from its neck, incubating orbs of the ancient magic. The suspended blade grins mockingly as the beast stands guard, keeping at a silent vigil.
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From a seething sludge of digital debris and depleted fossil fuels, the zombie corpses of NFTs rise shedding oily droplets of virtual decay. The included works began as digital files forgotten in the labyrinths of obsolete servers and subjected to the high pressures of networked hypermodernity, and now rise to take their revenge against a world drowning in media disinformation. They are fossils of software fragments, glitch-processed video, mutated 3D polygons, and keening audio tracks. Their file names glow with curatorial themes of decay and transformation, preservation and decomposition. It’s art for an anthropocene acutely aware of the cyclical nature of its own consumption and mortality.

Participating Artists:

Indira Ardolic, Delta_Ark, Itziar Barrio, Christopher Clary, Eva Davidova, Varkito Garcia, Don Hanson, Benny Lichtner, Kristin Lucas, Joe McKay, Cezar Mocan, Patrick O'Shea, Mark Ramos, Sarah Rothberg, Kat Sung, Jeremiah Teipen, Lee Tusman, Sammie Veeler, Rosalie Yu.